In less than one week, we will have voted for a new President. Every four years it seems as though much is on the line in regard to issues and concerns for our country. This election cycle is no different. In fact, I think that we have even more serious issues to be concerned about this time.
What we must remember, though, is that G-d is still in control. Whoever wins the election will not catch G-d by surprise. The L-rd knows the future, and the paths that we take. If we consider Bible prophecy, we also know that things are not going to get better as time goes on. Things are lining up at a fast pace. With all the technology we have these days, it only takes a click of the computer keyboard to effect a major change in the global political climate.
Like it or not, our world is rapidly moving toward a global systemization in many areas---economic, religious, political. As Bible-believers, we should not be surprised. We should, however, do all we can do to maintain our liberties. But, we must not despair.
One thing that the L-rd keeps reminding me of is this: that this world is not our home. The L-rd is preparing a place for us----"in my Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you", Jesus told His disciples.
Everything in this world is temporal. There is nothing that we have here that we will be taking with us to our home in heaven. And, there is nothing we'll want to take with us.....except for our friends and family.
So many are wringing their hands in despair over lost investments. Many have pored over their stock market portfolios day by day for years, trying to position themselves to get the best return on their invested monies, only to find that thousands upon thousands of dollars have recently disappeared. Doesn't the Bible say that riches take wing and fly away?
It's good to prepare and to be good stewards of what the L-rd has given us. But, we must remember that if we belong to the L-rd, then our possessions do as well. Whatever we have is His. If we would only remember to just give what we have to the L-rd and let Him worry about it. If we would only be so yielded to Him, that we can let go of the reins of our possessions. How freeing is that?!!
No stress---just trust. G-d has a good track record. He is faithful to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day. That's all that matters. He is faithful to take care of us down here as well.
Even so, Come, L-rd Jesus!
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